Our Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Sport & Physical Activity went online in March 2020, and since then, has gone from strength to strength. Our team have delivered online and despite restrictions, a comprehensive coaching course across two days.
As a 1st4Sport Level 2 Certificate holder, you can trust that you’ll have the most up-to-date, reliable learning experience. The course provides you with both online sessions on practical coaching methods from inclusivity in your planning and delivery of sessions to wide-ranging issues of safety, health, and nutrition.
You’ll develop your own coaching sessions for assessment and delve deeper into what is expected of you as a coach working in school and with children. We offer concrete examples, that help you build and evaluate coaching sessions that will get the best out of your pupils.
The course has been retrofitted so that learners will have planned, delivered, and evaluated four linked activity sessions in their own setting. Students who’ve completed this course have submitted excellent online portfolios which provided them with examples of their own knowledge to use in the future.
With the success of this 2-day course, we are now offering another opportunity to get to grips with coaching. At just £250, you’ll gain over 30 hours of content, learning material and practical guidance in just two evening sessions.
Book now to join this industry-leading course and become the coaching professional you were destined to be.